SUD, DUI, & MIP Services
Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Education and Treatment (Non-DUI/DWAI)
SOA(R) → Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Education
CJS SUD Education and Treatment (ASAM Level 0.5 and ASAM Level 1.0)
CJS SUD Enhanced Outpatient Program
CJS SUD Intensive Outpatient Program (ASAM Level 2.1)
Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Ability Impaired (DUI/DWAI) Services
DUI/DWAI Level I Education and Level II Therapeutic Education (ASAM Level 0.5)
DUI/DWAI Level II Outpatient Treatment, Tracks A through D (ASAM Level 1.0)
DUI/DWAI Enhanced Outpatient Program
DUI/DWAI Level II Four Plus, Track F (ASAM Level 1.0)
DUI/DWAI Level II Intensive Outpatient Program (ASAM Level 2.1)
Minor in Possession (MIP) Services
MIP Education and Treatment Services
Designed for minors cited for possession or consumption of alcohol or controlled substances.
Provides education on substance use risks and legal consequences.
Includes structured intervention and behavioral counseling.
DUI/DWAI Education and Therapy Levels
Level I Education
12 hours of DUI education over a 3-day period, at minimum.
No more than 4 hours in one calendar day.
Conducted in a group or class setting.
Not appropriate for individuals with more than one impaired driving offense or a high BAC/refusal.
Level II Education
24 hours of DUI education over 12 weeks.
Conducted in a group setting with a class size limit of 12.
May be taken alone or followed by Level II Therapy.
Level II Therapy
Follows Level II Education.
Can last between 5-10 months, depending on the assigned track.
Track placement is determined by an alcohol/drug evaluator or DUI-licensed treatment agency following BHA guidelines.
Level II Four Plus / Track F
Also known as Track F.
Designed for individuals with four or more impaired driving offenses.
Court or probation-mandated treatment for misdemeanors and felonies.
Requires at least 18 months and 180 clinical contact hours.
Success is not based solely on time or hours completed but on treatment progress and demonstrated competencies.